Friday 25 April 2014

Masterclass with Paolozzi- 1996
Were you on the Masterclass with Eduardo Paolozzi in 1996?
Would you like to contribute to a book about the 10 days we spent with him?
If so contact me – Ann Shaw-
 email-, or text/mobile-07543 671260 or through my web-site:
Meanwhile I am putting up extracts from my own diary with him.

  Day One:
  We are just digesting this when a tired, heavy-built old man, looking more like a blacksmith, wanders in.

 It’s Paolozzi.

“I have been up since 5 o clock this morning,” he growls sitting in the empty seat next to me.

   Geraldine rushes to get him a cup of coffee. He takes it without a word of thanks.  “I was wondering what you had in mind for our students.” Geraldine is the epitome of Edinburgh politeness.

   Paolozzi snarls, without bothering to look at her: “I am not going to be pushed around by you or anybody."

   An uneasy silence falls over the café. “Get back to the studio. I will see you in five minutes.”

   We shuffle to our feet and walk back. Nobody speaks.

A few minutes later he joins us and without any social niceties launches straight into a history of 20th century art, until he sees Geraldine lurking in a corner.
 “ Surrealism was a major force…” he stops. “You can get back to your office and do some more faxes, or whatever it is that you do.”

   Geraldine leaves trying to make a joke of her dismissal: “I know when I’m not wanted.”

   My throat is dry. I swallow. What have I let myself in for? There are no chairs. We stand for one hour while Paolozzi launches into a lecture on modem art.

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